Variegated Wax Ivy, Senecio Macroglossus Variegata

Botanical Name: Senecio macroglossus
Common Names: Flowering Ivy, Cape Ivy, Natal Ivy, Wax Ivy, Marguerite Ivy, Climbing Senecio
Low Maintenance
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Variegated Wax Ivy has lovely trailing vines filled with deep green leaves with creamy white edges. This low-maintenance plant can trail or climb and  is perfect for a hanging basket or a place of pride high on a shelf. The Variegated Wax Ivy needs minimal watering and grows best in bright, indirect sunlight.

Care Guide

Light Requirements
Prefers bright indirect light. Tolerates medium light. Growth will slow in medium light conditions. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves.
Artificial Light
Direct Sun
Water Needs
Prefers consistent but moderate watering. Tolerates occasional dryness. Will not tolerate excessive watering.
Soil Preference
Though they can tolerate some forgetfulness, repeated dry outs can cause stress. Sustainably sourced peat moss and perlite will ensure that the root system has consistent access to moisture but bears no risk of root rot thanks to excellent drainage properties.
Moisture Retention
Fast Drying
Drainage Speed

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